Wednesday, March 21, 2012

3/20 appt. With Dr. Luger

I am very happy to report there's not much to report! Matt met with Dr.Luger yesterday at UPenn. In her words his labs look perfect! She couldn't have hoped for any better. This was a big relief, Matt and I both get very anxious before these appointments. They are doing some cellular testing, but we won't have the results for another week or two. We will be anxiously awaiting those results. For now we will continue on the same path. Matt will continue with Gleevec, continue his training for the Philly Triathalon and I will continue our quest to eat toxin free foods.

I have to once again thank our wonderful friends for their ongoing support and prayers. I was having a moment last Friday when my amazing friend Cathy dropped off a "going green" bin filled with all natural, organic products. Everything from laundry detergent to shampoo. Also a very generous gift certificate to pure sprouts organic delivery was included. Matt and I were both overwhelmed with how wonderful our friends are. We love you guys!

Going through all of this I have become much more aware of the fact that everyone has a story. I may be aware of others struggles and I may not, but we all have something we have struggled with. I feel grateful that others have in spite of what may be going on in their life taken the time to help us. I do feel this has made me more of a kind person to all. Life is good :)

Please consider donating to light the night!

Thursday, March 1, 2012

This is how our story begins. On 12/9 Matt was diagnosed with chronic myeloid leukemia. It has almost been three months, but seems like a year has passed. CML causes rapid growth of the immature blood forming cells in the bone marrow, blood and body tissues. In cml, part of the DNA from one chromosome moves to another chromosome. When this happens with chromosome 22 and 9, it is called the Philadelphia Chromosome. This is not passed from parent to child. This creates an abnormal fusion gene called BCR-ABL. This gene in turn creates an abnormal protein called tyrosine kinase. This enzyme promotes the uncontrollable production of white blood cells. A normal white blood cell count is 10. When Matt was admitted to the hospital his was 330. Matt is currently taking a chemotherapy type drug called Gleevec. This drug works by binding to the enzyme and acting as an off switch. The cells then stop growing an ultimately die. Matt is considered to be in the chronic phase or stage 1. The goals of treatment are a hematological response, cytogenetic response and molecular response.
HR- reducing the white blood cell count and maintaining it at a normal range. We have accomplished this!!!
CR- reduction or elimination of the philadelphia chromosome from bone marrow cells.
MR- reduction or elimination of the abnormal fusion gene BCR-ABL.
Our hope is he reaches the CR and HR in two years.
Matt has minimal side effects from the Gleevec. Fatigue and bone pain mostly, but that could be his training for the triathlon he plans on doing in June. I am so very proud of Matt, he has never asked why me, he never complains and he has taken the bull by the horns so to speak. As scary as this is, he has managed to put his family at ease. We are at the moment living a very normal life. When all of the what if's try to sneak into my head, I follow his lead by enjoying the present day.
We are doing Light The Night Walk on October 13, a fundraiser for blood cancer. Our team name is Team Crush Blood Cancer. Anyone interested in donating can go to,